Local Ad Click is an Internet based illegal Pyramid type MLM (Multi Level Marketing) Scam rapidly growing in Asian region and Middle East.This could lead to economic downturns in developing countries pumping money to foreign lands.
Pyramid plans are considered as unstable and non viable business plans because it collapses when new member recruitment exceeds population of the a certain locale making more losers than gainers with social unrest. By its design a large number (usually 90%-99%) of those participating in Pyramid Schemes would sustain losses with the inevitable collapse of such schemes. A good example is Albania, ref; (Chris Jarvis: The rise and fall of Pyramid Schemes in Albania.IMF Working Paper, July 1999.)
Day by day younger generation tends to waste their hard-earned money going behind this miracle. Its base site is http://www.localadclick.net/. Their registration information, contacts and owners' information are all wrong further website is incomplete without a help or a FAQ page and It is said to be operated in 127 countries but it is mostly limited to Asian, Gulf regions. This business has a very strong connection to India.
Please visit Alexa.com and Hypestat.com to explore site statistics.
Their so-called head quarters located in British virgin Islands, ViSim Advertising Limited is just a name, without having a web site or physical establishment how does such a big advertising firm run? They show some registration certificates which are more likely to be fake since there are no such establishments in countries given or somebody has just registered company names to start this fraud.
They pay US$ 10 per video advertisement which runs less than a minute.
Do you think companies like Sony, Phillips, Nike, Uniliver and much more.. are so wired to pay such amount for that simple job?
Who would like to pay for an unproductive click on an ad?
Couldn't those giant companies find out they pay for people who never buy goods from them?
Could law of one country be generalized for the whole world?
Open your eyes and think again.
Stealing money by cheating people and keeping stolen money is prohibited under the law of all countries.Do they deposit money directly to your bank account, after being watched ad-station videos, just like updates show in ad-station record?
Maybe If they adopted to that system it would be the end of every ones' money??
If you could disseminate these information within your community by all possible means are highly appreciated and take necessary actions to inform relevant civil authorities and mass media.
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